Friday, January 1, 2016

My 365 Project: Me.

It is completely out of character for me to start a blog without having the design aspect of it, and web presence of it totally set. But that's the old me who spent far more time preparing things to be pretty and pleasing to the eye then actually accomplishing a task I set forth. So welcome to my under construction blog. I hope the starkness doesn't deter you from the content. But much like this blog, I am rebuilding my life and it takes time.

Over the last 6 months I started a weight loss journey. I started on some supplements that helped me lose weight but i really only tip toed in the pool of health. More then anything I think the supplements helped me to gain any more weight, because to be frank I did absolutely 0 exercise.

I am restarting this journey for a couple reasons:

  1. I need to kick start for my body. My body needs a kick start, a reboot, a cleanse. Something to tell it, hey you are way to use to this lifestyle it's time to bump it up.
  2. I want to share it. I want to share the ups and downs with others. This is somewhat for a selfish reason! I want support! I would love to feel the support of a community surrounding me!
  3. I want to HELP others. I have always been a nurturer. I love nothing more then helping others. I've learned some amazing things these last 6 months that I want to share, and I thirst for learning more about my body, my wellness, and my health! I promise to share what I find, good and bad, and let you experience this ride with me.
I will share the journey through the following social media updates! Please add and subscribe to me so we can be connected:

Blog subscribe Link
Welcome to the journey :)

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