Sunday, January 24, 2016

When you literally see the weight lifted off your chest.

Well that's a big graphic, I know. I'm not one to flaunt pictures of myself around (although I do LOVE a good selfie!). The change is huge and real and impossible to ignore. I suppose I don't really even need to make the photo so big. It's obvious. But there are some things in this photo that aren't so clear -- important things-- so let's chat about them, shall we?

First off. Let's talk about me on the left. You may see a chubby faced girl who is sorta smiling. But what is really behind those somewhat-sad eyes is a girl who had just lost her father. Losing a father to anyone is a source of trauma, I think. For me, I lost my best friend. I lost my dad before he ever got to meet the love of my life. I lost him before I ever knew I would have children. I was sad. I was broken in a million pieces. 

The first few weeks after he passed away I told myself the biggest lie I think I ever had. I told myself I wouldn't fall apart, I wouldn't stop caring.  I would mourn him,  but make it out alive with not a lot of scarring because I knew that is what he wanted.  I had the best of intentions. But the girl on the left, she doesn't look very alive does she?                                                                                                                                                                                             Grief doesn't always allow our intentions to come to fruition, does it? And maybe placing ANY blame on grief is the worst move. Because I was already weak in mind and body -- I quickly quit on myself. I was already overweight prior to him dying (weight has been a struggle my whole life), but I just stopped living. I stopped laughing and smiling. I was in hiding. I couldn't allow myself even for a moment to really *feel* the pain I was experiencing, so I ate. Or sometimes I didn't. Either way I was punishing my own health for my short comings. 

I want to hug the girl on the left. I want to shake her. I want to tell her things will be okay. And more then anything, I wish to remind her that she is worth the self love she so desperately needs. 

Now to the more pleasant picture on the right. Oh how I love this girl too. She's pretty new to me, but I'm pretty sure I love her more each day. The girl on the right has promised to be a friend to her body. She has sworn so. 

On the outside, with the pretty made up face you can see she's *smaller* then on the left -- but that is really just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. She has more confidence then ever before. She has a body that is ever changing, ever improving. 

She works through her grief each day, and has begun talking about her loss a little at a time. She recognizes the importance of walking through the pain instead of mashing it down. I find myself seeing my dad everywhere in life -- especially in my determination to be everything God has intended for me to be. 

I have a renewed passion for helping others who literally need life breathed into them. The broken hearted, the lost, the sick, the tired. If I can pull myself up out of the dirt and rebuild -- so can you. If this is you, and you feel a pull to make a change or simply need someone to talk to - contact me.  Let me share with you things that have worked for me. Let me inspire you to take that first step. Let me remind you that you CAN restart again. You are worthy of the world.


Friday, January 22, 2016

Gut Bacteria

Trust me. I never in my life expected to write a post with the words gut and bacteria in the title bar. I quite honestly hadn't even known the word gut as used in a medical terminology sense.  But after my son was diagnosed with Autism, I started to learn a lot more about the gut and how it affects not only our digestive system, but also our immune system. Recently i read an article about gut health, what the functions of our gut are, and ways to support those functions. I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and share some of this info to my readers. Perhaps you were unaware, like I was :)

Through my research I learned that the "good" bacteria in our gut has at least 7 different functions.  Listed below are some of them. In the comments below, tell me one function you were unaware our gut affected! Deal? Sweet!

Functions of Gut Bacteria

  1. Balancing Immune System 
  2. Controlling Inflammation
  3. Ridding body of potentially damaging toxins.
  4. Making Brain Chemicals like Seratonin (the "feel good" transmitter)
  5. Manufacturing vitamins
  6. Harvesting nutrients from food
  7. Keeping gut wall from becoming leaky.
Leaky, what? Yeah that one just sounds gross. Because it is! Leaky gut is a real and scary thing that SO many of us may be suffering from.  So basically, our gut is lined with a layer (only one cell thick) of protection that allows us to absorb the things we need, (such as vitamins and nutrients) while at the same time serving as a protective barrier against absorbing dangerous viruses and gut chemicals.  

Broken down barrier = leaky.

Leaky gut is a focus of INTENSE research right now. So far, it has been associated with Depression, Weight gain, Anxiety, Type 2 Diabetes, Autism, and Alzheimers. 

It is VERY important to keep our gut lining healthy. 

Healthy Gut > We don't absorb damaging chemicals > Inflammation isn't triggered. 

Have you ever heard of Inflammation? Chances are you have. Inflammation is an underlying issue in SO many health concerns. Inflammation can be found amongst Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, Skin Issues, Alzheimers, and Depression. 

So what do we do to get our gut healthy? 2 things.
1. Eat whole and nourishing foods that promote a healthy gut.
2. Supplement where needed. 

Food is the biggest player in terms of keeping our guts healthy. It has a truly profound influence. For instance, refined sugar actually favors the growth of bad gut bacteria and actually ADDs calories to food, which contributes to obesity.

It has also recently been discovered, that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, may be worse for us then sugar in regards to what the bad bacteria likes to grow with.  Sadly this would explain why those of us who have enjoyed a diet soda (thinking at least this was a better choice for us), were actually putting ourselves at a greater risk for obesity. (

 A neurologist, Dr. David Perlmutter, who is a 30 year veteran in the field, suggests a two step process to maintaining gut health: 
  1. Eat foods rich in probiotic bacteria (generally fermented) such as: Kimchi, Yogurt with live cultures, Kefir, Sauerkraut, Fermented meats, fish and eggs, Cultured sour cream, and pickles. Ideally 1-2 servings of fermented probiotic foods each day. He also adds that if this isn't an option, taking a broad spectrum probiotic supplement is a great way to populate your gut with friendly bacteria. 
  2. Add prebiotic foods to your menu as well. Prebiotic foods are rich in prebiotic fiber.  These fibers actually encourage growth and activity of good bacteria in our gut.  Prebiotic foods include: Jicama, Chicory root, Dandelion greens, Jersusalem artichoke, Onions, Garlic, and Asparagus. 
Dr. Permutter states: "I am a neurologist. And in my 30+ years of dealing with patients with issues like depression and brain fog as well as an inability to lose weight, the program outlined above has proven to be the most powerful treatment strategy I've ever recommended!"

So... what is one to do when they don't have Dandelion greens and Kim-chi in our backyard ? Well, what I have chosen to do is supplement my diet with products that will support my gut health. Currently, I take supplements that contain ingredients that support ALL 7 of the functions of the gut. 

We live in a busy world where top nutrition isn't always available to us. The second best thing we can do is to supplement our diet with vitamins, minerals, and good bacteria that will promote a healthy body!

If you made it through to the end, yay! Gut health is so under talked about in my opinion, yet SO essential. If you have any questions, leave them below or as always, feel free to contact me!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Supplements :)

My Current Regimen

Hey Everyone :) I've been asked so I wanted to let everyone know which of the Plexus products I'm currently taking. My health has improved drastically over the last several months (weight loss, inches loss, relief in Psoriasis, increase in energy). I took a moment to share with you some basic info on the products and why I love them. Please, as always feel free to reach out to me with any questions! Email Me!

Slim: Plexus Slim is the most popular products that our company offers and usually the first that a customer will try out! It's often sold as part of this Triplex bundle, but can be purchased on it's own as well.
 Things Slim can help with:

  • safe and effective weight management in conjunction with a healthy diet.
  • help maintain normal blood sugars at healthy levels
  • help maintain normal cholesterol and lipid levels at healthy levels
  • the ingredients work toward losing fat not muscle!
  • Chromium is an ingredient in Slim. Chromium is a WONDERFUL tool to assist with relieving inflammation! (Have you ever looked at what inflammation can do to your body?!)
I love Slim because:
  • It tastes delicious!
  • I feel added energy on slim!
  • It's so convenient with the single stick sleeves! I just toss one in a bottle of water and enjoy :)
  • Not a meal replacement! I enjoy food and would prefer not to drink all my calories!

Probio 5: Probably my most favorite product that slim offers. BECAUSE IT'S ESSENTIAL! Science has showed us time and again how very important probiotics are to our intestinal health! Probio 5 was specifically designed to support a healthy intestinal tract. 

What is a probiotic?

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are good for your health, espeically your digestive system (also called gut). Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy by aiding in the breakdown of protein and fibrous food. The bacterial population is different in overweight people and people whose bodies are leaner. 

Is gut health really THAT important?

Yes! In fact, 70-80% of your body's immune system lives in your gut, so ensuring a healthy intestinal system is really important! Probio 5 provides 5 stains of different probiotic cacterias to support the immune system! Another reason this is the BEST probiotic on the market? Probio 5 contains an enzyme that will actually seek out and help destroy the bad bacteria in our gut!

Everyone's experience will vary but I noticed a decrease in Psoriasis symptoms as well as outbreaks once I had been on Probio 5 for about 3 weeks :)

Biocleanse: Remember all that "bad" stuff we just talked about probiotics destroying? This my friends is what will get move the junk out of our bodies! (No you will not be stuck on the toilet all day!) The truth is, most of our bodies are burdened with toxic waste and slow metabolism. Plexus Bio Cleanse contains a a really cool magnesium compound with oxygen enhancement (I don't know who is smart enough to do these things -- but I am so glad they did!!) and vitamin C! 

Cool Facts:
-Bio Cleanse contains 95% of the magnesium your body needs!
-Bio Cleanse actually supports collagen production! (wrinkles, anyone?) 

Go ahead and research what magnesium does for our bodies! (Hint: constipation, healthy bones, heart muscle health, protect heart vessels!) It's actually been shown that those who suffer with Type 2 Diabetes, have a deficiency in magnesium.. and by adding it to your diet it can aide in getting back to pre-diabetic health!

The three above products can be purchased separately or together in a combo called the Tri-Plex

X Factor Multivitamin with Aloe: With my busy (see: CRAZY BUSY) life, I don't always have the best choices available in food that contains all the nutrients I know my body needs. Plexus X Factor is seriously a breakthrough in my life and in the entire vitamin supplement industry as a whole! Why? It's a supercharged multivitamin AND antioxident supplement with vitamins and a never-before-seen formulation of a aloe blend with New Zealand Blackcurrant!

What X Factor delivers:
- B, D, C, & E Vitamins
-Antioxident Protection of New Zealand Blackcurrants
-The AWESOME benefits of Aloe (did you  know that Aloe helps us to absorb the                                vitamins we are taking up to 300% more!) 
                           -Oxygenates your body!

Plexus Accelerator +: This is an awesome companion product to Slim that I recently started taking! Joined together along with healthy lifestyle choices, the weight management process is AMPED up! This has really helped me with Plateaus!

What do the ingredients do:
  • Amp Up Weightloss
  • Boost Metabolism
  • Suppress Appetite
  • Increase Energy (Natural Caffeine, baby!)
  • Helps increase effectiveness of Slim!
Just interested in Slim and Accelerator? There is a combo of just the two available as well :)

These are just a few of the 15 products  Plexus offers! They have changed my life. I would LOVE to answer questions you may have about the products, pricing, ingredients, or the opportunity to share Plexus with others!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My Plexus Why

This graphic shows pretty plainly how much i have changed on the outside. It is still a work in progress- don't get me wrong, but the life that has come back to my face is undeniable. A year ago if you would have told me that I would describe a supplement I was on as "Life Changing", I would have laughed at you. If you would have told me that I would be involved in a Network Marketing Career within that very supplement company, I would have NEVER believed you. I always thought Network Marketing and Pyramid Scheme were synonymous. 

I initially joined Plexus because:
  • I wanted to lose weight
  • I wanted to see if it would help manage my Psoriasis  

Plexus is all those things. Plexus DID and DOES change my life. My health improves daily. I feel and look stronger continuously. Plexus has also changed my family's financial outlook. I am able to stay home with my babies and work from home. I am able to CONTRIBUTE. Eventually, my husband and I will be able to retire EARLY thanks to the Plexus Opportunity

Plexus offers SO many wonderful products that I would be HAPPY to share with you! If you are interested in more information on them please check out my  Plexus Website orEmail me!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Let's Eat!

Coming Soon!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Intro Video

Hey everyone :) I recorded and uploaded this vlog several weeks ago in anticipation of starting to document my journey! It's a very brief (and naturally awkward -- hey I never said I was GOOD at vlogging!) introduction to what I intend to share with the community!

My 365 Project: Me.

It is completely out of character for me to start a blog without having the design aspect of it, and web presence of it totally set. But that's the old me who spent far more time preparing things to be pretty and pleasing to the eye then actually accomplishing a task I set forth. So welcome to my under construction blog. I hope the starkness doesn't deter you from the content. But much like this blog, I am rebuilding my life and it takes time.

Over the last 6 months I started a weight loss journey. I started on some supplements that helped me lose weight but i really only tip toed in the pool of health. More then anything I think the supplements helped me to gain any more weight, because to be frank I did absolutely 0 exercise.

I am restarting this journey for a couple reasons:

  1. I need to kick start for my body. My body needs a kick start, a reboot, a cleanse. Something to tell it, hey you are way to use to this lifestyle it's time to bump it up.
  2. I want to share it. I want to share the ups and downs with others. This is somewhat for a selfish reason! I want support! I would love to feel the support of a community surrounding me!
  3. I want to HELP others. I have always been a nurturer. I love nothing more then helping others. I've learned some amazing things these last 6 months that I want to share, and I thirst for learning more about my body, my wellness, and my health! I promise to share what I find, good and bad, and let you experience this ride with me.
I will share the journey through the following social media updates! Please add and subscribe to me so we can be connected:

Blog subscribe Link
Welcome to the journey :)